It's a great product - I've been using it for years. It does have some issues but your milage might vary.
If you run XP without rebooting for awhile, as I do, VMWare may start consuming large chunks of CPU time, slowing everything down. Often, you can terminate the vm-auth process and you're OK.
Another thing I've found is that drag-and-drop from your desktop to a VM may stop working if you frequently use the Pause/Restart feature in the VM. I haven't updated my software in awhile so maybe it's fixed in a later release.
I've been unsuccessful at installing some Linux distros - they have issues with the virtual video driver of VMWare. This impacted me on Mandrake 9.0 and another distro I can't recall. I haven't tried anything recently.
You can't use Remote Desktop (RDP) and attempt to resume a Paused VM. I am guessing the video parameters of the remote session conflict with what it's expecting and it won't Restart the VM. In fact, I don't think it'll even start a VM from scratch using RDP. You're best off using VNC although it's slower.
Microsoft has released Virtual PC which may prove to be a good competitor. Although it's targeted to running copies of Windows, it supports running Linux and DOS. Hopefully they won't cripple the software when it comes to runing Linux.
How you do anything is how you do everything.