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Old 07-22-2004, 09:35 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Green Bay, WI
Rather Dramatic Suicide Attempt/Rescue (video)

MSN - Link to full story (as well as video)

GREEN BAY, Wis. - A state trooper saved a woman's life Monday by grabbing her arm as she jumped from a bridge in Green Bay.

The 36-year-old woman had led authorities to Green Bay's Tower Bridge driving up to 100 miles per hour. The chase began after the woman's family called the police because they were worried about her.

State Patrol Lieutenant Nick Scorcio said when the woman got to the bridge, she stopped and got out of her vehicle. She went to jump off the bridge into the water below.

Then trooper Les Boldt ran and grabbed her arm as she went over. "It was a little bit of a tug of war for awhile," Boldt told NBC's "Today" show.

Two Brown County sheriff's deputies helped Boldt pull the woman up as she struggled with them. She was taken to the hospital.

Boldt, who suffered some scratches, says it was the most eventful day he's ever had.

Basically, there was a woman suffering from depression and tried jumping off a huge bridge. There was an officer that right after she jumped managed to grab her and pull her up.

Pretty damn heroic, in my opinion. I realize that it's likely that not many of you live around here, but driving across that thing makes one queasy... playing tug of war at the edge with a crazed women I would imagine would be difficult, to say the least.

*edit: quoted article. Please remember to do that*
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.

Just in case you were wondering...

Last edited by Peetster; 07-22-2004 at 09:39 AM..
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