Hero pig
A traveling salesman is driving through the country side hocking his wares. He comes to a farm house at the end of short driveway. Looking around, he sees chickens and dogs and pigs, the usual barnyard stuff. As he makes his way to the door, he notices that one pig has only three legs.
After making his sales pitch to the old farmer, curiosity gets the better of him and he asks about the three legged pig. The old farmer proceedes to tell him the story of how the pig saved his life. He was fishing on the bank of the river and had fallen asleep. As he was sleeping, a tree limb fell on him and pinned him to the bank. He yelled for help and the pig came and dug him out from under the limb and pulled him to safety.
The salesman listened intently to the story, but couldn't figure out how the pig lost it's leg, so he asked. And the old farmer replied, "you just don't eat a pig like that all at once."