Some figures:
The Coast Guard requested
7.5 billion for key port security upgrades. The Whitehouse allowed only $45 million this year.
The transportation security administration says that there is a
35% to 65% chance that terrorists will try to plant a bomb in the cargo of a US passenger airplane. The admin only gives enough funding to allow
5% of air cargo to be screened.
They are both absolutely scary in the ignoring of the very real threats, and the relative cheapness of their securement.
This nation spent itself into massive deficits on all kinds of bullshit pork this year and we can't give 7.5 billion to upgrade our port security?
Something Necessary? To the federal government that's piddling
change that can be thrown around at will. It should be one of our top priorities.
Again, Bush can requisition 85 billion to continue a war in Iraq that was obvious to the world at that time never posed any threat to us, but not 7.5 billion to do what is necessary to secure one of the weakest points in our borders.
I really am glad to hear from some of the members who are moderate to right of me here in some form of agreement.
This stuff isn't disputable.
1) Al Q in the Afghan region was and remains a big threat to our security.
2) Iraq was not a threat. At least we can agree they were nowhere near the scale that #1 is.
3) Our ports, airline screening and border security are still horribly underfunded and since 9/11 have been inexplicably ignored and downplayed by the administration.
4) Our first responders, the ones who did such an amazing job rescuing people on 9/11 are being ignored. Underfunding has forced several of the fire stations in NY who were an integral part of the rescue effort to shut down since.
Knowing all of that, and seeing that Bush is taking not one step to correct any one of them, how does anyone here explain their support for his Reelection?