On the subject of OB/GYNs, In the past 2 years it has become difficult for them to practice because the major insurance company for them quit carrying Mal specifically for them. Talk about a lurch.
When the New CEO (the fuck who thought it was not worth it to carry it any more) realized that he had killed a lot of jobs, they started carrying it, but at sometimes triple the price.
Now, OB/GYN people do a lot of work with medicare (aid?!) and so their returns on their work is very slim. With massive Mal insurance, i know that AR lost over 30 OB/GYNs because someone sued them and it was on their record. Once. Even if they did not succeed in the suit, their Mal was hiked to incredible rates. Add that to overhead, payroll, taxes, and the building, out they go.
these people are the most sued professionals I know of, why? Because if anything goes wrong with the baby (mother ODed? who cares! Baby strangled by umbilical cord that was not there 10 minutes before? No problem! It was the doctor's fault!!!) they get destroyed, along with their reputation.
What does this have to do with anything? Not much, but the OB/GYN thing got me started.
Also, If your doc is not listening, they are not a doctor. Find an APN (advanced practice Nurse) and you may have better luck. Doctors are not trained to care. Very few will actually listen to what you have to say and actually take that into account.
Especially if you are a woman. Women are hypochondriacs to many doctors, even female doctors.
Last edited by BenChuy; 07-21-2004 at 12:58 PM..