unoaman has a good point, although I think he's using it wrong. You should definately point out to your man that you could easily do the same thing and ask him how HE feels about it. It can be quite eye-opening for a man to, for example, ask for a threesome and have his girlfriend say, "Yeah! Which man would you like?"
About your wondering if it's "your fault"... It's not your fault (duh) because he is a free and independent person. Like you. If you cheated, would you then tell your man, "Sorry, but it was really your fault"?
But if he makes you feel this way, then he is not good enough for you. Everyone should make their lover feel good. EVERYONE. There is no excuse for EVER making your lover feel like less than they are. That's the real crime here: not that he cheated, but that he somehow magically made you pass the blame to yourself.
There's no justice. There's just us.