Originally posted by the_marq
Dinner and movies? That's a date man.
Says who? I go out to movies all the time with guy friends, and sometimes we have dinner before or after. I go shopping with guy friends. I call guy friends on the phone just to talk. Just because you've taken "attached" women out with less than honorable intentions doesn't mean that all men are scoping all the time. Did it ever occur to you that someone could actually LIKE the woman's personality with no interest in her sexually?
What fricking decade are we living in? Sheesh!
The quickest way to drive a woman away is to tell her what she can and can't do, and who she can and can't see. Make it a choice between her friends and her boyfriend and you may not like the choice she makes. Get. Over. Yourself. If she loves you, you should trust her. If you're insecure, THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM NOT HERS AND SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CURTAIL WHO SHE SEES TO MASSAGE YOUR TENDER EGO.
sorry for the shouting, but boy this makes me mad.