Originally posted by KMA-628
If the economy is improving then it can't be because of Bush, but if the economy starts to go bad in the beginning months of Bush's term it's his fault.
Gee, sucks when you percieve that a republican trick is being played on the republicans doesn't it?
See, we're not saying that George isn't responsible for the economy improving because the economy is not improving. That would be like saying that a person with alzheimers who has one lucid day and is about to relapse into total memory loss is improving. It's an illusion. A myth.
He's cut taxes (income) while dramatically increasing spending. That's the formula for increasing the government's debt. Sure, that'll pump up the economy temporarilly but it's simply not sustainable. Eventually, this little house of cards that Bush has built out of the economy is gonna collapse, and when it does we're going to be in worse trouble than we can imagine.
Now. Let's look at what's really happening in this country. You say the economy is improving? Then why are court systems across the nation laying off public defenders. It sure as hell isn't because there isn't enough work for them - the courts are overburdened as it is. It's because there isn't enough money to pay them.
Why are various courts and other government institutions in Iowa (and probably other states) being forced to cut back their hours or even close for days on end? Because there isn't enough money to keep them open.
When the government(s), which is supposed to be one of the more stable employers in the country, is having to lay people off because it can't afford them anymore, and is having to close its doors because it can't afford to keep them open anymore, you cannot sit there with a straight face and tell me the economy is good.