It’s my opinion that if all settlements would clear out of the West Bank and Gaza Strip entirely; there wouldn’t be a need for a fence. If this impossibility ever happened and the Palestinians continued to attack the area internationally recognized as Israel; I’m sure there would be just as much support for Israel as there now is opposition.
I mainly agree with Asuka; the barrier will prevent attacks thus saving lives. I don’t think it will stop the inevitable. While complexity exists for families that may have immigrated and settled within the territories; overall the situation is very clear and simple.
The final chapter seems apparent as Jewish settlements on the West Bank have been given the green light to continue expansion. Palestinians that protest their farms or similar being annexed via simple fencing put up by settlers have to deal with the IDF. The barrier's other agenda seems apparent by just mapping its foundation.
IMO the roadmap is a dog and pony. I don’t think it's about Israeli's; whether native born or immigrated. I think it’s about Settlers with the vision that the entire area (including the occupied territories) as belonging to them. This is further enhanced by a government that supports this. If this situation continues; I believe it will lead to serious consequences.
I also believe there should be a clear distinction made between anti-Semitism and drawing a clear view observing what actions are taking place.
It’s at this point I believe the US and Israel should disengage from the UN. Its seems clear that Israel will continue to do what it does. Most of the remainder of Earth will oppose. The US will veto any resolution that isn’t in the interest of allowing Israel's colonization of the Palestinian territories. When the US is met with opposition to support resolutions that protect American interests; that shouldn’t be a mystery. Why go through the motions and empty votes?
Whether or not someone agrees or disagrees with the settlement expansion; the aspect that continues to amaze me is the attitude the Palestinians should just go along passively.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking