You know, everyone's entitaled to their opinion of the music and all, but I just don't get people complaining about bands changing styles. IT'S *THEIR* MUSIC, NOT YOURS. Shocking that, over the course of 20 years, as the PEOPLE change, the music they produce may change. When they started, they were angry, cocky, young adults. Now they are people who have experienced tragedy, and also people who have experienced love and are married. That's bound to have an effect on what their creativity produces.
I'm all for choosing to like or dislike a particular group's music. But it really bugs me that any time a band makes a change in style, no matter WHAT the change is, it is perceived as "selling out." People change, and Metallica are people, not just some group of musical servants. Choose to like it, or choose to dislike it, but I don't think it says anything negative about the band itself.
Now, if you wanna talk about something that DOES say something negative about the band, let's look at the whole napster thing