Might want to try seperating your muscle groups--it gives one group a "rest" while the other is being used (that is the general theory of bodybuilding - you are breaking down your muscles so that they repair bigger and stronger--at least how it was explained to me back in the day)
If you are doing bench, then also do other exercises that work your triceps, chest, shoulders.
The next group (how I did it) would involve biceps, legs, stomach.
Also, I would use the above recommendation for more reps/lower weight.
Take it from a big guy, it gets much harder as you get older to keep the "big muscles" shapely. You will be able to maintain tone muscles a lot easier than big muscles.
IMO, the best Bicep exercise was what we called "21's". With a medium weight, you do seven reps from the bottom to half-way up, seven reps from half-way to full-up and then seven full curls. You do this whole series without stopping or breaking--it will burn.
Before you criticize someone, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry at you.......you're a mile away.......and they're barefoot.