bench press needs a spotter doesnt it? anyway, if you want to pack on the muscle do a few reps ( 6 and under ) of a heavy weight... if you want leaner muscle do high reps with low weights. the number one thing I could say is that muscle is not built in the weight room, it is built during your rest period. If you lift to often then you wont give your muscle time to rest and recover and all of your work will be lost. take at the very least one day in between workouts. I'm sure if you browse around here you can find threads on different workouts and muscle groups... chest, abs, biceps, etc. If you are really desperate for bigger arms read my thread "Grow one inch in a day, possible?" It might not be the best idea for a beginner, but you can modify as you see fit.
I'll bet you $5 that you read the previous word...