Weight Lifting Advice for a newbie
I am a 19 year old skinny guy who is looking to learn about lifting weights. I have been doing a tiny bit of weight lifting that I learnt from a friend, though I am not sure how much he actually knows.
Right now I want to work on my upper body and I was wondering if someone could help out on what types of exercises to be doing (keep in mind I know next to nothing about weight lifting).
The Exercises that I am doing now are as follows...
-Bench Press
-Bicep Curls
-Pull downs
I have been doing 3 sets of them, increasing the weight each time, and reducing the numbers of sets as i increase the weight. I have no idea if these are the real names but I suppose it is a start. I want to do some exercises that do not really need a spotter (I am working out by myself).
Any and all advice is much appreciated
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