Last time I did it was a little under a year ago. I have no visible scars or pain whatsoever, I'm sure if you get a bunch of retards together and they decide it would be cool to do without taking the right precautions then they'd fuck themselves up.
But... thats why we love and adore Darwin.
I've never ever heard of anyone doing this in public. I've been to roughly 15 get togethers and they were always in a warehouse/large garage type thing, completely away from the public.
I can tell you however I'd love to do it outside, on a nice day, with a cool breeze.
I'm not saying they don't do it outside, but why would you? You know damn well the cops are gonna shut that shit down whether they have a right to or not.
I'm not gonna cut on the people who say "Yeah, thats pretty weird, not my cup of tea, but its cool if someone else wants to do it"
But to say along the lines of "If you do this your stupid" in one way or another. Quite comical that person would be upset when I call them closed minded.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Menoman is my hero. He masturbates with Brillo pads. And likes it.