I find the Electoral College very frustrating, living in Indiana my vote for president doesn?t matter. Congressional distracts have been gerrymandered in such a way that it makes it hard for dems to seats, even seats they have held for years. However, the alternative, "One man - One Vote" disenfranchises just and many people, if not more people. Most people in the US live in major metropolitan areas. This makes votes from largely rural areas less important.
Originally posted by Stompy
Electoral College is BS.
Seriously, why does it exist? I thought the whole point of democracy was majority wins? Why not just tally up the total votes?
It excites because the US has a respective represent government. This means that we, as citizens elect people to represent us at every level of government; local, state, and national. If this were a democracy each person would have to vote for every law. This is not a good way for people to send time. We elect people to do this for us, so that we can be productive. The public school system (where you should have learned all of this) comes out of this idea that in order for the public to make good decisions in voting they have to be educated.