The leadership and all the structure (as it were) that Al Qaeda had was situated in the Afghan/Paki region. A continued effort to shut down the borders and continued presure to the present day would have, I believe destroyed the life of Al Qaeda. I know they and their supporters are spread around the world. If we can kill off the generals and lieutenants, something we had a chance to do, the remaining cells would have been more or less aimless, less effective and alltogether weaker. A secondary leadership may have sprung up or they may have integrated with another terrorist organization.
That is when we once again show them that there is nowhere they can hide that we won't come after them to kill them. Make them afraid of organizing again. Put the fear of American into any country that would try to once again harbor them.
That's what I'm saying. We let up on the real terrorists, and we wen't after a lame duck dictator who was no threat.
Killers of americans 17000 troops remaining, more or less forgotten
Iraq 170,000 troops, a priority?
That's wrong. That's inexcusable and treasonous to real american interest and security. That's why I'm angry and am learning to hate.