07-20-2004, 03:21 PM
#4 (permalink)
I dont know about the copyright laws where you are, but in Canada everything is automaticly copyrighted
In response to your inquiry dated July 5, 2004, you do not have to register
your copyright to have protection in Canada, but when you register with the
Copyright Office, you receive a certificate which can be used to your
advantage in the event that your work is infringed. A certificate of
registration is evidence that your work is protected by copyright and that
you, the person registered, are the owner. In the event of a legal dispute,
you do not have to prove ownership; the onus is on your opponent to disprove
However, if you wish to register the content of your website, you will need
to file only one application and check all the categories that best describe
your work, along with the prescribed fee of $50.00 (if filed on-line) or
$65.00 (if filed by mail/fax). Please note that the description should apply
to the work as it exists at the present time. It should not reflect what
may be developed in the future. You will find the on-line application on our
website at the following address : www.cipo.gc.ca under the subject
Copyright, E-services.
It is important to note that copyright registration for a website only
applies to the material that is on the website when your application is
filed. It cannot cover material that you add later on. For this reason, most
people don't register copyright for a website but simply indicate that the
contents of the website are protected by copyright by means of a notice on
the website itself.
Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact
us again.
In order to improve the services of CIPO's Client Service Centre, we invite
you to complete this survey.
Lynne Lamirande
Information Officer
CIPO, Client Service Centre
Canadian Intellectual Property Office, an agency of Industry Canada