Wow! Thanks for all the kind words. Like most people, I'm kinda partial to the Holy Beercan. These were done partly as an experiement with just pencils (something I don't have as much experience with as I should) and partly out of being to lazy to get my colored pencils out of the car this weekend. Either way, I'm pretty happy with how most of it turned out.
ARTelevision: It's always inspiring to hear such kind things from such a recognizable poster such as yourself.
flyman: I'm glad someone noticed the detail on the amps.

Sadly, I can't say that I have personal experience with a full Marshall stack (or even a Marshall half-stack), but I figured since I was being optomistic enough to knock about 50 pounds off my frame, I could go ahead and throw that rig behind me.
animosity: You should toootally get one of my designs tattooed on you. /peer pressure
skinnymofo: Go for it! I'm glad that someone may enjoy some of my art enough to save it. All I ask is that if anyone ever gets one of my images tattooed, painted onto their car, screenprinted onto their mother-in-law, etc. that they send me a photo of it.
GH: Thanks! I find that sometimes my "style" does get a little monotonous and stale, and it's times like that in which I try to do something a little different.
Thanks, vermin, that's one of my favorite parts as well.