Originally posted by denim
[*]Doctors are not God. They're not ALL KNOWING, ALL SEEING, and PERFECT. Any doctor who thinks he or she is, needs to be either shown otherwise, or replaced.[*]Second opinions are not hard to get. This should be straight-forward, but maybe it's not. I'll explain later.[*]Treatments may have alternatives, not as in "alternative medicine" but as in "other ways to treat that", some of which might be "alternative medicine".[/list]
Totally agree. I just married a doctor. She's a person just like me, only she went to Medical school and I went to Business school.
Originally posted by denim
If some doctor won't answer questions, explain to him (betcha it's a "him") that you and he are a team to figure out a fix to what ails you, and if he can't hold up his part, you'll replace him faster than spit. Been there, done that, will probably do it again. Note that I don't mean to be disrespectful, but to not allow the doctor to dis you either. Again, doctors are not God.
It may have been the case before that most doctors are Male. THis is changing however. My wife just graduated this year from med school in a class where over half of them were female. This is the case in the class ahead of her and the two behind her as well.
Also, the part about replacing your doctor faster than spit. Well I think that might vary A LOT from place to place. Right now here in Calgary, people are hard pressed to find a family doctor. New doctors throw up thier shingles and can't even blink before they've got a full paitient load.
Anyway, you're bang on right about doctors. They are just people. They're obviously smart people because they've made it all the way through Med school , but they're people just the same. They make mistakes and are not all knowing.