Originally posted by CoachAlan
It does mean that everything is getting farther apart, and because space itself appears to be expanding, things that are further away recede at a rate proportional to their distance.
What I'm wondering... The thing that I find mind boggling to the point that I don't even know just how I should pose the statement... Is where are the objects on the edge going?.. The two things that are furthest apart in the universe, what is allowing them to continue to move apart? (And don't say Dark energy.)
Why do you say/believe there is an edge to the universe? It could be infinite, or that meets another universe, which leads to another, and so on.......
Just because this life on earth seems limited, doesn't mean that LIFE itself as a grand whole is.
And I will say......dark energy. It's proven that scientists find holes of great unknown mass containing what is known as dark energy. This energy, perhaps, is the field of so much compacted information of what we know as past and future that may later on provide us with answers if we are able to utilize it. Nothing gets lost, nothings falls off the edge or dissapears. It's all stored somewhere.