This is my rant. This has come to really drive me this election cycle.
America has always been under attack, since our earliest days as a nation. But until now I believe we have done a good job of focusing on our enemies, of actually paying attention to those who we know are targeting us.
September 11th Al Qaeda committed an act of War on America. They have made it clear that they will attempt to attack us again. One of their primary goals is to destroy America. In this space of time they have also attacked others.
I think this nation did a commendable and awesome job of taking the war directly to them. And we did in a quick, no-nonsense manner. It was a damned good start and I would have proudly served my country there if I was needed.
But the administration proved to have a short attention span. We wandered away after the initial work was done until Iraq caught Bush's eye and we became embroiled in that.
most frustrating thing to me is that there is a sizable force of Al Qaeda still roaming that region, there was virtually nothing in Iraq. And least of all there was nothing state sponsored anti-american going on in Iraq.
The underground activities that were going on in Iraq were leagues below even insignificant to the threat that still exists against us in Afghanistan/Pakistan. There are more Al Qaeda operations going on in the North American continent than the minor force that was in Iraq. Our enemy is not there.
Our troops have been in Iraq going on a year and a half very soon. 170,000 troops in Iraq. 17,000 in Afghanistan/Pakistan. Think what that influx of forces could have done to the Taliban and Al Q had we positioned them there rather than wasting them in Iraq. I believe we would have completely destroyed them there, scattered any remaining cowards. Destroyed Al Qaeda as a force.
Our ports are still completely neglected and our first responders have been forgotten past the initial flag waving.
That's just not right. In fact, it's so far from not right to me it's criminal.
Now we have high administration officials and congresspeople openly discussing the possibilities of a terrorist strike that could be coming set to disrupt our election process this november and how we would deal with reorganizing or continuing the election process in it's wake.
It makes me want to tear my hair out in frustration when I see the problems we face so readily obvious. Iraq wasn't our threat, never was. The Afghan/Pakistani region is where it's all at and we walked away from it leaving what amounts only to a minor security force to keep the new government from being overrun.
I don't hate Bush as a human being. I hate his administration and what it stands for. But, if we are attacked during our election, or.. hell, a year after the election without taking concrete steps to:
1. actually combat our enemies.
2. Plug our glaring port security hole
3. Fund first responders.
I will have no choice but to personally blame him for the murders of americans and a betrayal of the entire country. I will hate him and damn him for it. I will have no respect for him, no matter the office he holds.
His first job is to protect us, he hasn't shown he has the capacity to do that. He has shown he can wage war, but not provide for the security of the nation.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States."
That's the oath of office of the President of the United States. I find him not only lacking but being negligent in his duty.
George W Bush does not deserve to hold the office of the Presidency.
I fear for our security under such gross mismanagement.
This "essay" was sparked by a conversation with a local wounded Vet, Chris Johnson, a family friend of my wifes. He lost his arm in a firefight June 20th. He's in Walter Reed right now. The essence of how he feels is he does not regret his service, or sacrifice. He just wishes it was for a better cause.
This is how I feel, it is not a flame, not meant to be destructive. I love my country and want to see us prosper long after those of us here are long gone. As such this is what drives me to hold the positions I do regarding Bush so militantly. I don't trust him with America.