Don't feel sorry for other presidents that won't get the same amount of "love" when he/she dies!
It wasn't just a funeral for a dead man or a dead president, it was a funeral for a dead president that was loved and admired for one thing or another by millions!
He made an effort to be loved and it payed off. He was.
Was the price worth it? I think emotional issues can pretty much always be looked at from two angles.
1) You can't put a price on it.
2) If money wasn't made from it it was financially foolish.
Haven't said that, I agree with the people that say our country needed it. Having recently gone through Clinton and having half the country either hate him or lose some respect for him and now going through Bush having half the country hate him and half the country hating the other half it's nice to get together and agree that "there lies a great man that touched many".
(sorry about the run on sentence. No time to correct it