Originally posted by pan6467
I see it's ok for Schwarzenegger, an elected representative of the people, to call Dems. "girlie-men" when they won't do what he wants, where he wants in full view of press and public.
And GOP just laugh thinking it's funny, (I wish I had seen a tape of it, I think it is funny.)
But not ok for Whoopie, a woman who makes money being a comedienne, to say what she said about Dubya in a fundraiser.
Amazing. I can't understand how one side can get away with anything they want, yet cry foul when the other side tries to do something similar.
"girlie men" in the context of the SNL skit is hardly insulting. Now, had he said they were "girlie men whose dicks were the size of his pinky and should be dragged from office" that would be a bit more akin to Whoopi's remarks.