Taxpayers already pay billions every year for those who have no insurance and cannot pay their medical bills.
We pay by either subsidizing *sub-par* life or death procedures, or we pay because people cannot afford their bills and they go into collection, that in turn raises prices for those of us without insurance and who pay cash to see a doctor. (Most doctors won't even give you the time of day if you do not have insurance, even if you can pay cash, we won't get into the specialized medicine doctors.)
By sub-par I mean a hospital has to, by law, treat you in life or death cases. What this means is, that they will quick fix you and get you out the door as fast as possible. They treat the symptom not the disease.
It is my belief, that with a truly regulated UH system in place, people will be healthier in spirit, physically and in mind.
This will increase productivity and lessen sick days.
This would take away a MASSIVELY large expense on major industries and employers who provide benefits. Thus allowing them to hire more employees and at better wages, thus increasing the workforce, thus increasing disposable income, thus increasing the marketplace thus moving the economy forward much faster than it has in the last 20-30 years (which amazingly enough is when healthcare became unregulated and pharmaceutical companies were able to charge what they wanted, and HMO's and insurers were able to dictate the needs of the patient.
What's the difference between an insurance company dictating what treatment you can or cannot have and the government doing it.
There will be trial and error and waste at first, but long term benefits far outweigh those.
For the past 30-40 years, we have lived for today and as a whole not done much to preserve or make sure that the future generations have better oppurtunities.
If anything we are insuring future generations (except those of the very wealthy) a worse oppurtunity.
Also, there is another serious question we must ask, that those who do not support UH can not answer and that is: how can countries that have socialized medicine charge much less for meds?
Answer: the pharms come here develop inane cosmetic drugs and charge whatever they can get away with, while using the FDA to prevent any real drugs that fight real disease from getting approved.
How can we even pretend that is a free enterprise that is market driven. Because they set the market, they set the prices and they use insurance companies and the FDA to prevent competition.
You don't want UH then find a way to fix the system so that the playing field is not detrimental to everyone except the present system.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"