You spoke my mind talking about the drug companies. So much money is being wasted on unneeded drugs and marketting. I'd like to know how much they spend on marketting compared to R&D.
Originally posted by pan6467
[B]We must ask why the drug companies visit doctors to push newer and far more expensive medications, when the older ones work just fine.B]
That has always struck a nerve with me. Doctors should be perscribing drugs based on the potential benefits to the patient. Getting kickbacks from a drug company should be so illegal. The
My wife is pregnant and last week we were at the Dr's office for a monthly visit. We saw this young hot woman leaving and my wife commented that she must be a drug rep (since most docs are older men they are suckers for young hot women). Sure enough, she was and sure enough my wife got a new perscription that day (luckily we were able to get a generic of it).
One of the hurdles with getting to a universal HC system is that only one side wants it. In order for it to be an effective system, it needs to be properly planned out. The planning will take a few years and there will be several years implementing it and ironing out the kinks. It's more that what could be accomplished by even a two term President. Hopefully, one President could get the foundation built and a second can implement it.