Originally posted by ARTelevision
It's best to be aware of the current professional evaluations when discussing this topic.
"Current professional evaluations" typically doesn't mean shit to me when talking about cultural differences in opinion. There was a time when doctors used to openly endorse cigarette smoking. For a long time, it was "low/no fat" and now it's "low/no carb", the exact opposite in perspective. Fuck that.
As for video games, it's just another thing for these people to spin their wheels on because they're so damn bored with their lives.
When the internet became available, people predicted that it would be the downfall of our civilization. They said the same thing about cellular phones when they came out, cable TV, the invention of TV itself, even the "moving pictures" when first introduced in the early 1900's.
People love a scapegoat. If they were so ineffectual in teaching their kids right from wrong that a simple video game could SOMEHOW turn them into vicious killers- well, that not only illuminates the depths of their failures as a positive figure in the kid's life, it also showcases just how gullible some people can be.
Misplaced enotions are a dangerous thing.