Don't spy on her computer. It's an act of distrust. If you claim you can't trust her, and then spy on her computer, then it proves she can't trust you either. And if the two of you don't trust each other then mate, you don't have a relationship. You may be able to tell all your friends 'Yeah! She was cheating!', but it means you're both as bad as each other.
Be wary, but trust your partner. I believe you should trust them (once that trust is earned and your relationship is serious) and then, like maleficent says, don't act on anything but proof. If you start being distrustful because of your imagination then it'll only go downhill, and you'l be consumed with finding evidence to back up what is most likely just in your imagination.
Be wary, and if you do have evidence then confront her with it, and decide from there.