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Old 07-18-2004, 11:40 AM   #28 (permalink)
God-Hating Liberal
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
Originally posted by sob
i feel that the current administration has pushed this country too far right with their religious mandates
Sigh.. I'll bite.

1. A proposed Constitutional Amendment to ban marriage between partners of the same sex.

2. Only funding abstinence sex education instead of responsibility, despite clear and obvious conventional wisdom that this does not work -- anywhere in the world, nor here. Did we not learn anything from the AIDS proliferation in the 80s? Yes we did, in fact. I learned a great deal about how to keep myself protected from STDs and unwanted pregnancy. I honestly fear for a generation denied this information to satisfy a relatively small contingency of Evangelical Christians.

3. Ashcroft. 'Nuff said.

4. Re-election Campaign using Southern Baptist church organizations to promote Bush. This is heavily documented. It is also technically illegal and would result in the loss of tax-exempt status of these organizations if it were enforced.

5. Bush's own assertion that God speaks through him, that his every decision is guided by Jesus. He cannot say 3 sentences without mentioning prayer, Jesus or faith in public. It's frankly disturbing to a non-Christian. I want someone who leads based on convictions of reason, logic, and compassion -- not instructions from an imaginary friend in the sky.

6. Reactionary ban on stem-cell research, a stance only taken by fundamentalist Christians. Sets back the science of medicine in several important fields by great bounds.

7. Heavy pressure to restrict a woman's right to choose what she does with her own body. A ban on "partial birth abortion," an extremely rare and often critical procedure.

8. FCC, headed by Bush appointee son of Colin Powell, imposing a three million dollar fine for using bad words or talking about sex on the air.

9. Ashcroft. He counts twice. The man covered the statues of Justice that have been there for over 70 years because they had exposed breasts.

There is a reason that the fundamentalist Christians are avid supporters of Bush. It has nothing to do with terrorism and tax cuts. Bush wears his religion on his sleeve and makes it unabashedly clear. If you are denying this you are either living in a hole or baiting. I am assuming the latter and am happy to oblige.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

I fear this is dangerously close to violation. It's time for change. I am perfectly happy to have leaders who are devout Christians. But when they cross the line of simple belief to pushing a radical policy to enforce their narrow definition of morals on the rest of us, it is time to kick them out. It's the most American thing you can do.
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