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Old 07-17-2004, 06:53 PM   #22 (permalink)
anti fishstick
Post-modernism meets Individualism AKA the Clash
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Location: oregon
With much respect, I don't see how that statement could have been an assumption to there being an unchanging view of people. We change our views all of the time, that's how we live, grow, and evolve.
The question is - how do we grow and evolve? You original post seemed to imply to me that beliefs and morals are something that you inherent from the people you were raised with, or something that you independently come to. I think the value of human interaction and questioning/challenging others and ourselves can help to move beliefs and theories from dogma into something more. My point, again, was that there is value in questioning things and explaining yourself. It isn't about proving to others that you're right, and esp. that they're wrong - it is about creating dialog and gaining perspectives that you couldn't indepentently which will give you a broader base of ideas to choose for yourself what to believe. I think that resistenting the challenge of explaining yourself risks relying on dogma and cheating yourself. Personally, that isn't a huge issue for me to make other people talk about things that they don't want to... I just tend to think that it isn't very helpful to them at all I think I think it is unfortunate.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions, yet taking offense to them only leads to discrimination, seperation, and even hatred.
That would be true if morality wasn't legislated. I take offense to people telling me that there should be exceptions to the bill of rights. I take offense to people telling me that some groups should have less rights than others. I take offense to people who try to make their opinion on the most personal of moral decisions policy.

This is the inherent problem with porn. The First Amendment is at odds with social movements in the United States to protect women's rights and to create equity. Many believe that porn help proliferate gender inequality. Of course, there are many women's rights advocates that also believe that porn actually is empowering to women. I personally find that hard to believe from what I've seen with the degrading comments and objectification in porn, but I think that there is little that can be done about it without some kind of federal or state regulations in the industry of porn - which I don't think will happen. The argument hinges on the all or nothing approach, like in prohibition; and we know how prohibition turned out.

Truthfully, asking whether porn is good or bad (or if it is a sin) is a good place to start as a grounds for making personal decisions.

[edit: might as well change my name to Janet after this one. I think I'm frustrating her because I never check until it is too late...]
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin
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