I think a lot of it has to do with the nature of discussion; people really don't spend most of their time talking about how they agree with one another. Take the AWB thread we had a few days ago; once people started agreeing with each other the thread died out in a heartbeat.
I personally believe that we should make a compromise in attitude, and retain our conviction in content. Threads are extremely delicate things, and a poorly worded phrase or direct insult can quickly lead to a conflaguration of condemnation.
I think we're all here to gain an understanding of the issues at hand, discover alternative perspectives, and learn from the experience. With that attitude in mind we should all be able to engage in mature and enlightened discussion.
What does that attitude represent? Well for me it means focusing on the content, and not the poster. It means presenting my side with unbiased language, and utilizing facts and sources instead of rhetoric.
The difference between an argument and a debate is that you can win a debate, but only lose an argument.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be having an orgasm.