Thread: Déja Vu...
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Old 07-17-2004, 11:02 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Chapel Thrill
I have deja vu (you'll have to forgive me, I have no idea where the accent is) constantly! The weirdest experience I've had with it actually did involve a black cat crossing my path, however, this was a good 10 years before the matrix

My aunt and I had traveled to my other aunt's house in Erie, PA, and we had with us our 18 year old cat, Boo. Boo hated traveling, and would hide under any bed she could find once she got to her destination. On the second night we were there, I was sitting on the bed in the guest bedroom reading a book, and listening to my walkman, and I heard Boo crying over the music - so I turned it off and called her. I watched her come in the room, and run straight under the bed. I immediately hung myself over the side of the bed upside down to try and coax her to come out, but she wasn't there. I got up, searched under the other bed, in the closets, and anywhere else she could have been hiding, but she was nowhere to be found. After a few minutes of this, I gave up, and got back up on the bed, and started reading again. Not 5 minutes later, I heard her cry, I looked up, and then saw her follow the same path she had before, straight under my bed. So, I flipped up the covers once again - and there she was, huddled in a corner, just like always.

I was only 12 or 13 when this happened, but it has always stuck with me - I've never forgotten a single detail of that moment. And it still weirds me out!
The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

--Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
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