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Old 07-17-2004, 10:37 AM   #25 (permalink)
I've been becoming more aware of many old religious rituals and how they are not applied today- at least for most people- there are still those who follow the books word for word abiding by their every rule and command. Take Islamic religion, as an example. We know that the government runs on the religion, where the women are to be submissive and put on lower ranks than men, where people cannot do many things or else they will be killed or their limbs cut off if they do not abide by the religious law.
As I have observed, Bush is attempting the same thing. Now, do we really think that it's working and that it's the healthiest and best way for us? Is killing the solution for killing? Is hatred the solution to hatred?
If only leaders can stand back and observe their ways from an outside POV, will they see that it is not and never has worked- so do we think that it will ever work? Esepcially when we attemp to tie religious beliefs in with governmental and economical issues, we are only driving the possibility of solving them.
As time has gone by, so many issues are picked apart in little pieces by those with strong beliefs that take offense to the issue and steer it off course, causing upheaval, riots, contreversy, and even war. To me it's sickening- if America, for instance, just realized that we are not living up to it's founding declarations, that we are hypocrisizing our very roots of what our Country is, that we are only digging a hole for ourselves. Seperation has broken our rights little by little and we aren't feeling as free anymore- bound by petty laws and regulations, where are we really headed? I want to see gays be happy, I want other nations to see that America doesn't have to immediately jump in war as a solution, that we can all be and express who we are, celebrating and respecting our differences- that is the only way we will ever further ourselves in a humane evolution. All of our beliefs don't necessarily have to change, but we can at least make the effort to expand our beliefs and understand that the world will not change unless we do. That, individually is where we need to start, and that it is not behaviours we need to focus on, but our beliefs and feelings that cause the behaviours. Blaming will only stir up more hatred and seperation, while acceptance and unity will make a new life for everyone.
Step back and decide how you want life to be for you- and for your children and your children's children. If we don't do anything about it, who will? We can't just sit back and wait for someone else to make the call, we need to speak up, take action, and show that there is another way that will help the country, ourselves as individuals, and even the world as a whole. Wouldn't it be nice to turn on the news and not see a story of violence, protests, war, lawsuits, or contreversy? We can change the news- if only we choose to. So much of the stories we hear are of petty reasons, and some even outrageous defensive actions.
I remember reading about how Slim Fast just booted Whoopie Goldburg from being their spokesperson because of a remark she made about Bush at a recent rally. Slim Fast is based in Florida, home of many republicans, including Bush's brother and St. Governor, Jeb. Hmmm......bias, maybe?
What really happened to freedom of speech?
I bet if I were to recite verbally "God is too big to fit inside one religion" that someone would immediately read into it as an offense, but if I leave it as to be a bumper sticker on my car, it goes unspoken. The only comments I have received on it are in agreeance to what it says. That's not what I am looking for anyways- it's my freedom of expression and it's to declare my truth for everyone to notice- and maybe people will contemplate it, but at least accept it as someone else's right to express. If they take offense, oh well. That's their perogative. But if I walk up and speak that in a religious congregation, i would get kicked out. Funny how that works. Just because I believe in something they don't, I need to not be there.
Remember after 9-11 when an arch bishop prayed with a priest, a rabbi, and a christian pastor? That brought immediate attention and many leaders of the religions took it as blasphemy and denounced it, as they are not to include people of other religions in their own. How screwed up is that?
I may seem like I am going off in a tangent, but it all relates and it all comes down to the same thing: seperation. It's not helping us, it's hurting us. Getting offended and rejected others simply because it does not correspond with our beliefs is really messed up. Why keep letting it go on? We ALL can do something about this.
Hey, people have their own rights- but, c'mon! Burning a book may declare what they believe in, but it only gives more notice to the seperation, offensiveness, and hatred that will run us all over if we keep doing it. I can understand where they are coming from, they are unhappy with the country, with the government, or other groups and issues and are afraid of where we're headed in this society and world. It's to get attention and to declare that there needs to be another way- something needs to be done.

Last edited by :::OshnSoul:::; 07-17-2004 at 01:07 PM..

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