Let's see, if I was commissioner of baseball, I'd:
1. Install a salary cap (not that this hasn't been metioned previously)
2. Install revenue sharing for local television contracts
3. Get rid of those stupid painted pennants on the walls of stadiums. You are to actually fly a real pennant up a real flag pole. Is it that hard?
4. Stop in-game advertisments on the T.V. contracts by banning them in the next television contract. I need to see Joe Morgan talking to a B actor on the "Verizon in-game convesation brought to you by Verizon" like I need a hernia operation. Call the damn game.
5. Eliminate group ownership of teams to the extent of 49% or below. ONE person should be accountable for the team. Corporations are NOT to own baseball teams - winning baseball teams are counter-productive to corporate philosphys - they aren't put together to make money.
6. I'd give myself a bonus, leave the office early, and go to the game. You get pretty good seats as the commissioner, you know. Just not sure if you get free beer.
EDIT: Rule 5a: Commissioner gets free beer at games.