Originally posted by amonkie
Actually GO TO class. Simply signing up, going the first and last day is NOT getting your education.
This is essential. The most important thing to do first year is NOT to lose your discipline.
A LOT of people flunk out freshman year because they stay up late partying/playing video games, then sleep in the next day and miss all their classes.
Freshman year I was in the dorms and fell victim to this problem, as did my roomate. My roomate flunked out completely at the end of the year, and I came EXTREMELY close to flunking out as well but managed to save myself just in time. But because of my freshman year gpa, even though I now earn grades in the 3.4 area, my cumalative gpa is only about 2.6

So yes, make friends and join some clubs if possible, but going to class and studying is the most important thing.