Ouija boards
What do you guys think of these? They freak me out. One day, I was waiting to get into a resturaunt in a mall with my friend so I decided to look into a few stores around the resturaunt. One of them had an Ouija board and I was like "I always wanted one of these". He looked kind of freaked out and started telling me this story (which to this day he insists is true but I'm not sure I believe him) about these kids in his high school who smashed one and the two kids involved ended up dying in freak accidents a few years later.
I ignored him and bought it and decided to try it later. We were asking it all these stupid questions like "what is my name" at first, and I kept thinking that my friend was moving the pointer because I was really skeptical. But he insisted that he wasn't so we started asking questions that only I knew the answer to. The ouija board answered. Finally...we started asking the board about itself. We asked if it was a spirit and it said yes. We asked where it was from, when it was born, when it died...and then we asked how it died. It wouldn't answer at first so we asked a few more times...and it kept going to the "Good bye" area. That good bye thing freaks me out by the way. I always feel like it's angry and start getting the chills.
It refused to answer any more questions for the rest of the night after we were asking about it...which I thought was very strange.
Anyway...so I took it out a month or so later and was using it with the same person. The thing that really freaked me out is that when we took it out, we didn't ask it anything...it just started moving. And it said that my friend was going to die in 14(?) days....and I think it made some sort of reference to a bomb or terrorism. We didn't know what to think...so we waited. 14 days later, nothing happened but it was really freaky. I don't know why it said that.
THe weird thing is....it only works with certain people. That is something I don't understand. That's part of why I always think my friend is moving it...but that doesnt explain the answers to questions he wouldnt know.
Anyway...I was wondering if any of you had weird experiences with them and what you think of them? Do you think they're just BS?
Last edited by Trisk; 07-16-2004 at 10:32 PM..