Originally posted by Nikilidstrom
...and hold my refs accountable for calling the exisiting rules at ALL TIMES(3rd period, overtime, playoffs, etc..). Too many blown calls, and you're outta here. The scoring in the league would skyrocket, as well as the sports overall popularity.
Then get ready for the slowest, most boring game you have ever watched in your life. I don't know if you were watching the Stanley Cup Finals this year, but when both teams started icing the puck, causing a whistle to be blown every two seconds, it was the most infuriating thing in the world.
Initially, the same thing would happen if players were called for every infraction that occurred on the ice. The ref would have to blow the whistle every 10 seconds, and the pace of the game would slow to a crawl as the refs sort out every penalty. Eventually, teams would learn to stop getting so many penalties, but then you have players who would be afraid of doing anything at all. No more hits or fast skating, because who wants to play an entire game a man down?
The purpose of a referee at the NHL level is not to call everything he sees. It's to maintain a certain amount of civility and order, while keeping the flow of the game entertaining. Missed calls happen, but like I've said a million times before, it's a lot harder when you're on the ice, instead of in the stands.