Originally posted by Swirlie
Not sure if this is the right forum, but since there are other dream threads...
What are your re-curring dreams?
Mine is that I have one side of my body somewhat paralyzed... it's a TREMENDOUS effort to get my right leg to work... it feels like it's about 200 pounds.... and moves in slow motion.
It's so real, and I have had it so many times that sometimes I *honestly* wonder if it happened to me in real life... and that comes out of the blue... I don't actually remember the dream when I first wake up... usually it's in the afternoon or evening... and suddenly it comes flooding back to me... I think that is why sometimes I think it wasn't a dream...
Anyone else?
it could have to do with your leg falling asleep when you're sleeping, it happens to my arms all the time, and once with my leg....
if you cut off circulation for a long time, you lose control over the body part, giving you the paralytic effect.
whether or not this was a dream is questionable, but it could be like when your bladder fills and you have to take a piss in the dream.