I hate my government because:
[list=1][*]They only look after the interests of the rich, and dont even try to pretend they dont[*]All the members of the government are good-for-nothing SOBs that sit around their asses all day, leeching on the taxpayers' money[*]Probably half the politicians in the country are not even professionals, they simply bought their degree [*]If Bush says: "jump", then the SOBs reply: "how high?, and btw, may we give you a complementary bj?"[*]The political parties are more interested in making the others look bad, tha to help the people who voted for them[*]We had a pretty gruesome civil war in the 80's, then a peace agreement was signed, making promises of progress, social improvement and a lot of good things for everyone. So far, some change has occured, not necessarily for the better.[/list=1]
btw, Im form El Salvador (for all of you that dont know, El Salvador is in Central America)
Edit: Although I must admit that we are better off than most of our Central American neighbors
"The weak are food for the strong, so die and let me feast!" - Makoto Shishio (RK)