You are right in that it doesn't prove predictions. There really isn't a way to "prove" what caused this. You can only assume by looking at the data.
Here is how I came to my decision:
1) We were in a recession, gov't revenue went down as gov't spending increased.
2) The purpose of the tax cuts was to stimulate the economy.
3) I remember hearing about all of the bad things to come from the President's tax cuts. How horrible it would be for our economy
4) Now, for the three months that I have looked at, the opposite is true and the trend is looking good.
This where I don't understand your point.
Supply-siders and proponents of the tax cuts made certain assertions regarding the effectiveness of the tax cuts.
The tax cuts were put in place.
The assertions made turned out to be true.
Sure, you can say that something else caused this growth, but what?
This report follows the predictions almost to the tee.
I have no problem admitting when I am wrong. If the credit goes elsewhere, then I would like to know.
Before you criticize someone, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry at're a mile away.......and they're barefoot.