regarding class schedules, here's MY impression.
schedule no classes on friday if possible, 3 day weekends are unbelievably awesome. if not just for the break, but it'll give you time to catch up on work, study, etc.
schedule MONDAY classes late, in case you have a late weekend on sunday (happens often, either parties, late night cram sessions, or you're returning from a trip home or somewhere else). i scheduled mine around noon.
T, W, and TR i would try and get them EARLY. yes, this is going against the advice saying you shouldn't schedule early classes. i'm NOT a morning person, but this forced me to start my day early, which was a good thing. it gives you more time later on in the day for group study sessions (there's always that one guy in a group of 5 who can't frickin' meet until like 8pm...) and other activities. you meet a LOT more people on campus early in the day. there's a LOT more girls in earlier sections than late (guys sleep in, girls typically show up to the early sessions). you have a better chance to meet with professors during office hours. it sucks in the morning to try and get that shower in when the bathroom's rushed with hella people, but it also sucks to just be leaving when everyone's getting done with class.