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Old 07-16-2004, 12:50 PM   #11 (permalink)
I remember seeing an episode of The Waltons when I was a kid where a German family was being persecuted by the townfolk during World War II. They rounded up a bunch of German books to burn, one of which turned out to be the Bible.

On a personal note, a former roommate whom I caught stealing from me to buy crack had this friend who was a total crackhead. This guy would get on these bizarre religious kicks when he was high. One day he decided he needed to burn all of my books on metaphysics and Wicca. Fortunately I had absorbed most of the major points of those books, but I still find myself wishing I had them to refer back to years later.

While such people may have a legal right to behave like barbarians, I agree with MrSelfDestruct that we should have evolved beyond this decades ago. Curiously, some of the same people who are defending these idiots' right to burn books admitted just the other day that what's legal and what's right are two separate things. You can get away with practically anything by citing some law or loophole or Constitutional amendment, but that doesn't make it any less atrocious. I suppose those who believe they're morally superior to everyone else because of their ideology will always have one standard for themselves and another for those whose don't agree with them.
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