Originally posted by heyal256
(This works on the old p2 and p3 machines, NOT the small form factor stuff). I don't even want to get started on trying to open/close the cases properly.
It really sounds like compaq paid no attention to the stuff they acquired from DEC. DEC really knew how to make easy to access cases (as long as you went atleast one step above their cheapest model).
Take for example the multia (just about the smallest alpha system ever build (I've never seen an alphabook to compare it to though)). Undo two thumbscrews. slide the motherboard and backpanel out a few cm, then disconnect the power from the board. Viola, the mobo now just completely comes out the back. Nice and easy to access everything. Too bad you had to pay a bit more to get decent cooling from DEC (the multia had the weakest cooling system ever, one of the chips on the underside of the board was notorious for killing the entire system after it burnt out).
As you can guess, I'm a fan of DEC before the whole DEC -> Decpaq -> Hewlett Decpaq thing