Two issues here - I don't think that people decide their votes because of celebs, but because the public watches them so closely, their statements are free, unregulated advertising.
Secondly, Slimfast didn't just hire Whoopi. In fact, they didn't hire her at all. They hired her image because they want to associate their product with that image. If she didn't have her image (which I see as a savvy, witty, urban woman who is pretty intelligent) she'd be just another Jane off the street and Slimfast wouldn't hire her as a spokeswoman. Accordingly, when her image, whether during an "official" ad or not, departs from what the company wants to portray I can't blame them for dismissing her. I'd say the same thing if she made an anti-Kerry joke that they felt was inappropriate.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam