That is an interesting map. One thing I notice is that while Kerry has more votes, more of his are in "weak" and "barely" states. I wonder what those classifications mean...
barely Kerry - 79 - 25.3% of Kerry votes
barely Bush - 36 - 16.7% of Bush votes
weak Kerry - 113 - 36.2% of Kerry votes
weak Bush - 44 - 20.4% of Bush votes
strong Kerry - 120 - 38.5% of Kerry votes
strong Bush - 135 - 62.9% of Bush votes
I wouldn't draw any sweeping conclusions about what this might mean since a "barely" state will still give all of its votes to one candidate - like CA with 55 of them. Just from eyeballing those numbers though, it seems that Kerry's states may be more vulnerable than Bush's. If I added wrong, let me know - but I did check about 8 times.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam