It amazes me when people take what celebrities say so seriously. Celebrities made fun of Clinton ALL THE TIME, and these right wingers who complain about Whoopie just laughed.
Do we have a segment of our population that truly sits around and says, "these celebs make millions they must be smarter than me and more educated. Therefore, I don't care what Kerry/Bush says, by God if Pee Wee Herman supports Kerry well then I'm voting for Bush."
Or, "Damn Whoopie had some fucking nerve to say that, I'm with ya sister, fuck Bush I'm voting Kerry cause Whoopie made fun of Bush."
If we have gotten so low as to let Hollywood and other celebrities influence our vote, I am deeply ashamed of my fellow citizens and fearful that someday someone who truly is the next Hitler will take advantage of that mentality and glide into the White House.
They have a right to say what they want and how they want just as we do. And by having that right we should never condemn nor blindly follow what they say.
Companies that know of a star's history in political satire and rhetoric take that risk when they hire them. Whoopie has made fun of every president since she has been around, SlimFast/UniLever should have known that and if they felt they couldn't handle the heat they should never have hired her.
It's like Anita Bryant for years and years was the spokeslady for Florida OJ, she took to task a local law against gays and lost her job.
Why? Do companies think we, the people are so ignorant that we take what these celebs who make millions and live in their own realities so seriously?
And I have always wondered why boycott something just because the spokesperson voices their opinion?
Is not our country based on freedom of speech and opinion.
Now if Whoopie were doing a SlimFast commercial and made jokes then, she was speaking officially for the company and that is wrong. But she was at a fundraiser and she has her right to say whatever she wants.
I don't like Charlton Heston's politics but does that mean I will never buy something he endorsed or stop watching his movies? No. Because I can seperate his private beliefs from his work.
Those who threaten boycott are doing 2 things: 1) destroying someone's right to free spech and 2) trying to control others to do what that group wants them to do. Both are very very wrong.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 07-16-2004 at 07:45 AM..