Play a few hands of cards... you never know who enjoys Euchre, Hearts, Asshole, Mao, etc. Oh the fun I had wasting away free time in the cafeteria.
Enjoy what you're doing.. if you're not, switch majors, whatever the cost. It will haunt you later in life the fact that you didn't get the chance to do what you wanted.
Take a Art History, general history or philosophy course. Seriously, they are most likely worth their weight in gold... I can only imagine. I wasn't offered the chance and I wished I had.
Do what everyone else said -- socialize. Meet someone new every day, even. You never know when these friends can help you with sticky situations, or be drinking pals.... which leads me into my question:
Concerning fraternities etc: Why would you pay upwards of a thousand dollars a year or more (rent, dues not to mention wasted study time) to make new friends?
*ducks, hides*. Let the flamewar begin.