Hi, first post ...
If money is a concern, one of your biggest costs will be housing. Often times colleges will pay you to be a Resident Advisor (RA) ... this is actually very good training, and most of the time, you will get a free ride through college (well, you have to work for it). At my school they paid me tuition as well as room and board.
Listen to everyone else, but get involved in the college community. If you live in the dorms, get involved with Hall Government and the Interresidental Hall Associations.
Read everything! I am referring to the books and also the policies, etc. You may be able to get away with taking general education classes you care nothing about at junior colleges (grades don't transfer, at least where I am). As for the ones you ARE interested in, GO. Make friends.
Much, much more. That thing they said about "look to the left, the right?" That's so true ... in some cases they will still be at school, but you know they're a lifer. And not in the good way.
billy the trick