I guess the best I can put it, concerning the Gay pride parade thing, is that the very, very conservatives feel that since Kerry won't "defend traditional marriage," gay marriage is going to become a common occurence. Because gay marriage will become common, more gays will come out of the closet and become vocal about it, and/or more people will become gay for tax reasons (ok I lied on the second part). Because of this, naturally gay pride parades will occur in frequency as well.
What this thinking fails to recognize is that a gay pride parade in every town, say, once a year, would equate to... I really dunno. Maybe 12 gay people. Hehe.
Now I'm voting for Kerry first because I tend to side with the democrats on social issues (but the republicans have my heart when it comes to guns and tax breaks for the poor and middle class (forget the rich, I need MY money)), second because Bush needs to be kept where he belongs... out of the white house (snicker!), and the third reason... well I suppose you *could* call it racist, but because he's an Irish Catholic. Really, Kennedy getting shot, then Kennedy getting shot, it's a protestant conspirac-*BANG*