Originally posted by mrsandman
I’ve noticed that it is no so unusual to see people buying alcohol at convenience stores in the morning.
Consider also that not everyone works 9 - 5- for many years I worked the graveyard shift, where i'd come in to work at 9 or 10 in the evening and get home at 7am. At 7am, that's my dinner time, so I didn't want eggs, I wanted a burger and a beer - strange at 7am but it was what i wanted.
Originally posted by mrsandman
Or...do you see this occurring in YOUR everyday life? Do you see people working under the influence of something on a regular basis?
Past jobs I've held, people going out for a few beers at lunch was nothing, I had an assignment that kept me inthe UK for about 6 months, my contacts would go to the pub every day for lunch and toss back a few Guinnesses (I did it once and was exhausted the rest of the day)
It's certainly not a new phenomon that people do this..