I've done this way too many times... damn fun.
E reduces your inhibitions, but not too badly... it can be like you're in a great mood and nothing can phase you... or you may decide to tell people what you have been scared to tell them before... that you love them or think they're great or have been keeping some secret from them... etc. And you might go a little more overboard on those feelings than you otherwise would. But it's hardly like you're out of control.
When you walk into a room, it's a friendly and familiar place... like it was the house you grew up in (even if you've never been there before)... and you feel very secure. You might dance even if you're not a 'dancer' usually, because it will feel good and you won't care what ppl around you think. Imagine the feeling like you just won the lottery... millions of dollars, you're set for life and can do all those things that you always wanted to do! That's what E feels like, all those day to day things that usually bother you are insignificant-- you laugh them off easily and get back to having fun.
Side effects:
Panic attacks... they happen, but always do E with friends and so you have someone to turn to... they will reassure you that you are loved and it will be all good again. A hug from a pretty girl will do WONDERS!
Headaches... never had them
Sickness... once, but I spent a fair bit of time riding a carnival ride with my head between my legs because it felt cool

Then suddenly got sick. I think it was a fair bit of motion sickness, but other people do sometimes puke a bit when they take E. Bring and eat Rolaids or Tums to help prevent getting sick, and to make you feel better afterwards if you do get sick. Also, when you start to come down, taking antacids will bring you back up for a bit!
Memory loss... many ppl say you remember everything, but I have definitely had memory loss... not as complete or bad as alcohol, but I've forgotten conversations I've had with ppl I just met while I was rushing really hard.
High body temp... You won't feel the heat as much in a hot place, so stop dancing and cool yourself off every now and then. I've seen ppl on E wearing sweaters outside on a scorching hot summer day because they couldn't feel the heat. This effect is worsened if the E is cut with DXM (yeah like from cough syrup).
Dehydration... ties in with the above... drink plenty of water, but Gatorade is better. The 'dying from too much water' requires you to drink EXTREMELY large amounts of water, so it's unlikely, but what that does is dillutes the salt content of your body and that's bad for you... so Gatorade replenishes those salts.
Addiction... MDMA is not physically addictive, so your body won't NEED it like it does a cigarette or crack or something. But it's so much fun that it is *very easy* to form a psychological DEPENDENCE on it, which is almost the equivalent. You like it so much that you want to do it all the time. So the effect is almost the same... you do it alot... but it makes quitting easier.
Awake for days... A dose of pure E really only lasts about 6-8 hours... so If you're awake an absurd amount of time it's been cut with amphetamines or something.
Come down... The next day can kind of suck, have some pot to smoke to be able to chill out. You might not be too bad the next day after your first few times... eventually it gets worse as you continue taking it... until now it takes me almost a week to recover and start feeling good afterwards... which is why I quit.
Taking other drugs... I like to have maybe 2 beers on E, but no more... otherwise you get drunk which is not as much fun, but 2 is nice. Same for pot, have 1 or 2 small puffs, but DO NOT get stoned... E is WAY better and getting stoned will overpower and kill your E and that's just a waste. If you've got a pretty pure pill, then you might want to take caffeine or some other stimulant with it so you have the energy to play... I like to dance.

So the general rule is only take tiny amounts of other drugs with E. A bit of acid or shrooms is fun, don't take a full hit/dose though (although that's a personal preference). Interesting side note on taking acid with E... I don't get as depressed afterwards... but maybe it's because my mind can't focus enough to get depressed.
Purity... taste your E when you get it... E has a distinct taste and with some practice you can tell how strong a pill is by tasting it (or if there's ANY E in there). It's a skill you can develop over time.
Stuff to have... Gum, candy (tastes 10x better on E), Rolaids, a bit of pot, caffeine pills or ephedrine if you need energy, Gatorade, possibly lip balm if you're a lip biter (you'll find out)
The most important thing is your environment!!! Do it with friends you like and do your drugs all at the same time with them. Have pretty girls around who are comfortable enough to hug you and your night will be amazing. I've been at a party, feeling kind of uneasy and panicy and hardly high... and one big E hug from this gorgeous girl I used to hang with and I was FLYING! Who you're with and what you're doing will make all the difference.
P.S. Beware of making new friends in the bathroom... not that there's anything wrong with that, but you could find yourself spending half the night in there if you're not careful!